Saturday, December 29, 2012

Business Cards or Stone Tablets?

With people carrying with them an accumulating amount of technology on a daily basis, it is no wonder why the business card attracts the occasional peculiar look.  Is there perhaps a neo-perspective developing in terms of these tried and true slips of convenience?  It may be wise to reevaluate your business circle to determine if they will indeed benefit your growth or inhibit it.  Today, business cards are becoming increasingly outdated by the minute.  But an artist would be unwise to discard the basic pencil, no matter how obsolete the remainder of the world may view it.

There are some that do not believe in the concept of business cards in the least.  This past weekend, I was approached during a music video by a magazine representative.  When I made a comment about passing my business card to the rep before wrap, he replied, “I don’t do business cards; might as well just throw it in the trash ‘cause you’re just going to do the same after you save my number.”  I had previously received this response, so it did not catch me by surprise.  However, when it came time to wrap, the representative again pulled me to the side and asked for my information another time.  I was ill-prepared for such a personal exchange that I had completely forgotten to reapproach him myself.

It is never harmful to carry some with you at all times, however be ready to drop the idea at a moment’s notice and instead save your contact information directly to their cell phone.  Keep in mind that your card should be personable as well as professional, representative, and memorable.  There is nothing worse than someone looking to contact you and not remembering your card, or not remembering who gave them a particular card.  Below is an image of my own business card that I had to compose at the last minute without any templates, so I utilized a promotional deal using basic Vista print.  My card is bright and fashionable, and has ALL of my information on it.  My number is on one half, with all professional information on the other.  It is extremely effortless (and incredibly memorable) to merely tear my card in half and exclusively provide either my number or professional information.  Always ready to leave an impression!

With the risk of being on the frontier of any movement, it may be wise to adopt this new attitude towards business cards in order to appear more personable and available.  This can show the business world a number of things: they will be working DIRECTLY with you, you do not carry pieces of paper to give to just ANYBODY, you are genuinely interested in maintaining a relationship, you do not procrastinate, and if you are saving THEM, not just their information, amoungst other business partnerships (big and little, same league!).  Also, eliminating the card eliminates the possibility of losing their info, so you may let a good connection slip!  Furthermore, being the one to propose the paperless exchange can make an impression of its own.

Just be flexible and feel free to take a glance at my quick assemble below.  Keep in mind that each should design their card to be personable as well as professional, representative, and memorable.  It should fit your style, job, and be visibly modern and pleasant.  You may want to personalize yours a bit more with a picture or something related to your field.  However, you may also want to use a simple, basic template that will work just as well.

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